100 % guarantee uptime
The web hosting on Webstránky servers is ideal for customers, who want to have their websites and e-mails at their disposal non-stop, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You will not face the problems such as an access failure lasting for several hours (what is very common on other servers).
Each customer who uses our web hostnig services MINIMUM, OPTIMUM or MAXIMUM, gets a 100 % guarantee availability of the servers, where he has his own websites and e-mail boxes.
In case of access failure we will prolong your subscribed period by a thousandfold of the failure duration! This advantage you surely do not get anywhere.
Terms of guarantee
A 100 % guarantee availability includes every unavailability of the server, but there is an exception, when the availability is:
- shorter than 5 minutes, caused by current operations (restart of a service, of a machine, etc.),
- caused by a failure of the contact between a customer and our services,
- caused by an outage of electric energy beyond a framework of the secondary power-source security,
- caused by a natural disaster or an extreme weather.
In case of the realization of a 100% guarantee, the subscribed period will be prolonged by a thousandfold of the failure duration.
The length of a failure duration is counted from the registration of the failure by a customer (by e-mail or by phone) to the time of the problem elimination. The subscribed period can be prolonged within the guarantee just for 1 year, if a failure duration is longer than 12 hours or if a failure duration is shorter than 12 hours, it can be for 3 months.
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